Sam the salmon developed his own little twist on the classic GUCC tradition of the scavenger hunt, mixing it up with a family feud theme! GUCC's esteemed 'older' members were divided into parents with the task of choosing famous families they would fashion crazy costume ideas from, these included, the Kardashians, the Incredibles, Toy Story, the Weasleys, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell and Shrek's family! After adopting some fresh freshers, all families met at Bank Street Bar for the first task of a quick and fast boat race, however, all ready abandoned by their so-called parents, the Toy Story started on a back foot...
The Weasley family were the first family to sprint along to Coopers with their red hair flowing in the wind before downing a good old VK! Sam hadn't let the teams off lightly with mini-tasks given out to complete in order to add up more points, these included get up high, buy a single grape and acquire a sex toy...
Following Coopers, teams were dotted across the west end picking up points left, right and centre. Meeting up in Oran Mor, brawls were made to grab certain hats off opposing teams, all we know is don't touch a gals drink just take her phone...
Heading towards Bookclub for a vodka mixer, teams were required to pair off for a traditional wheelbarrow race, some getting bruised and cut up more than others, the losers then had to connect hands with a painful zip tie for the rest of the night, not ideal for bathroom situations is all I can say...
Each group tried to stay fancy down Ashton Lane in both Vodka Wodka and the Lane for shots and cocktails. Although some hooligans of the club had other ideas when it came to adding up points by stealing packets/bottles/boxes of ketchup, get some class Starbucks...
The hunt ended with a drink in each of the Uni's unions (yes, there isn't just the GUU...), a more than jolly Sam attempted to add up the scores in the Beer Bar, in between a sing/scream/wail to Bon jovi's, Living on a Prayer... before eventually coming to the conclusion that Peter Pan and Tinkerbells fam were successful in achieving the trophy for the 2016 scavenger hunt! However, this lead to protest from certain members of the club, campaigning for the resignation of Sam the Salmon Social Secretary, however, the protests were abandoned and he remains in high demand for more socials...
Wednesday nights ultimately calls for Viper, those who were still able to stand made their way towards the new and reformed club for guest list! The sweaty Wednesday sports nights never seem to fail us, with certain older members or shall we say male cougars, making their way around a few too many blondes that night on the pull...
Gossip along the grapevine highlights that we have a couple of polite freshers asking permission to pull certain lads, checking whether or not they were in a relationship or not, at least they have good manners....
The night turned out to be a bit to much for a couple of guys who's names both begin with J as they were found leaving, or shall we say falling, out of Viper after being thrown out...
The night turned out to be a bit to much for a couple of guys who's names both begin with J as they were found leaving, or shall we say falling, out of Viper after being thrown out...
All that is left to say is that The first social of the year was awesome and we can't wait for more!
p.s If anyone is aware of the whereabouts of Neil's Mr Potato Head he would like to be reunited with his beloved.
p.s If anyone is aware of the whereabouts of Neil's Mr Potato Head he would like to be reunited with his beloved.
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